India Create Artificial "iPad" The price of 35 U.S. dollars

IPad shape is similar, but this one tablet made in India with a tag of 35 dollars per unit. Cheap? Obviously! Tablet will use the Linux operating system.

Friday (7/23/2010), the prototype tablet is quoted. If you do not miss product that will be marketed to students will be officially sold to the public in 2011.

If the government is able to get the manufacturers to produce cheap tablet, the tablet will be the cheapest in the world, at once entered the ranks of innovative products cheapest in the world after the Nano compact car berbanderol 2127 dollars per unit, water purifier berbanderol 16 U.S. dollars and heart surgery cost 2000 U.S. dollars.

These tablets are not toys, you know. The problem can still be used to write, browse through video conferencing. Energy options were diverse, one of which solar energy. "This is our response to the computer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), cost 100 U.S. dollars," said Human Resource Development Minister Kapil Sibal.

Just so you know, in the year 2005, the founder of the MIT Media Lab released a prototype of a computer for kids costing 100 U.S. dollars for developing countries. India rejected the machine and promised to seek a kind of computer development in India.

Now, India is planning to subsidize the cost of making these tablets so that will be released into the market at a cost of 20 dollars per unit.

5 komentar:

osi said...

kunjungan malam...

Tentang puisi yg ada di blog saya, boleh saja utk di copas n di berikan ke kekasih anda, namun bila copas yg anda maksud utk di posting ulang lagi di blog anda, sy minta mohon di tampilkan nama yg empunya puisi tersebut, krn beliau berpesan seperti itu *sebagai penghargaan buat beliau yg telah menuliskan puisi tersebut

terima kasih

edi said...

Marhaban ya Ramadhan, mohon maaf lahir dan batin!

aura pelupa said...

Untuk semuanya Marhaban ya Ramadhan, mohon maaf lahir dan batin!

Diary Osi said...

mampir sini nih gan....

selamat ya blognya dah bs kebuka lagi... omong2 resep n step2 apa az yg dah di lakuin ???

buat postingnya dunk, itung2 berbagi ilmu *ngarep mode on* xixixixixi

Diary Osi said...

numpang absen malam di sini Her

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